The Big Bang Model is broadly accepted for the origin and evolution of our universe. What happens here is that the universe starts out very small and is always expanding at a certain rate. I think this model is adaptable to the blogging universe as a way to get links and backlinks because your blog starts out with small readership and will expand at an exponential rate with the right links.
Understanding this strategy is easier once you realize that backlinks are connections from related sites all around the World Wide Web that will show readers the way back to your website. If you can get other sites to link their pages to yours , that means you have a backlink. If your strategy is good , it can mean the difference between keeping your domicile or sleeping on the sidewalk. Link Affiliates may be helpful at times also.
Developing a powerful linking strategy will be an important activity in this universe. Once you have mastered this strategy you will help to insure that your site will receive large amounts of pre-sold, relevant traffic interested in buying what you have for sale. You will also get sign ups for your newsletter and lots of downloads for your ebook. Link exchanges have some value at times here.
An added benefit to all of this is that search engines will use the number of back links and the quality of those links to rank your site in the search engine results. So if you are looking to drive traffic to your site, this could be a humongous benefit. Backinking will get you higher ranking.
Here is an SEO tip that is pretty basic. Google says that page rank relies on the uniquely democratic nature of the web by using its vast link structure as an indicator of an individual page's value. Yahoo ranks results according to their relevance to a particular query by analyzing the web page title , text and description accuracy as well as it's source , associated links and other unique document characteristics.
Now that we know this, we have to understand also that backlinking is about relevant , quality links. Most search engines are aware that not all links are created equal and that a back link from an authority site has more influence than a backlink from Aunt Zelda's barbershop. This means that all those links from your nieces and nephews home pages won't do much for your ranking is the search engines.
One great way to create links in your blogging universe is to write articles. This way is highly accepted by the search engines and when your articles are published in newsletters, you will get a highly relevant, inbound link back to your site. By writing more articles and getting them published on different sites, you are creating new content and creating new back links and the search engines will love this.
So, start building your links and backlinks using the Big Bang Backlink theory today.