Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Article Submission for Internet Marketing Article Marketing

In order to be a well off Internet Marketer, you will have to know how to do internet marketing article advertising. An internet marketing article can be written for free and posted for free. There are several different ways to go about writing a web site marketing article in order to drive traffic to your site.

Writing small business marketing articles or web site marketing articles is not really as hard as you may think. Obviously, understanding the rules of proper grammar and having a word processing program that has a word count feature, a spell checker and will save in one of the standard formats will make your writing project quite a bit easier. Some of the secrets I have uncovered will be discussed here.

Try not to make the project harder than it already is. Think about what you want to say and then just start writing. Get into the flow. Worrying about spelling or grammar is unnecessary because you have a spell checker. Keep writing until you have said all you want to say. Article marketing will become easier as you get more practice.

Hopefully , you already know what the product is that you want to sell. This will help to keep you from getting stressed out over the topic and writing your internet marketing article. You can visit forums where your customers will be participating in order to get an idea of what your customer will respond to in your article marketing. Try to write your articles around answering questions that your customers are asking.

The optimum length of a small business marketing article should be about 500 words, with the range being between 300 to 750 words. Using the word counter is important here to make your article marketing efficient and to make sure you stay in the proper range.

Submitting your internet marketing article right away may not be the best way to do it. It is probably better to read and review what you said and possibly have someone else proof read it. You want to get some article marketing constructive criticism here.

A website marketing article is written mainly to provide information and to lead your prospects to your website. This is not exactly a sales letter, since most of your selling will be done by the website. Sales letters that are too obvious will turn off your readers and possibly damage your credibility and give you the wrong type of viral marketing.

Internet marketing articles should stay on track. That means you have to stick to your original plan and not deviate away from your subject. You must stay focused on your subject.

Writing a small business marketing article should be done like you are talking to a friend . Keep your words simple and use everyday language and allow your personality to shine through. A little humor doesn't hurt. With practice, you will learn how to build a relationship with your readers.

For more on this , try taking a look at the Wealthy Affiliates site. Here is the link.

Learn Article Marketing Here!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Motivation and Goals

It seems to me that when you are in business, your goal setting strategies become very important to your motivation and goals. I think this is because these two things will make a difference in whether you become accomplished in your niche or are just mediocre. Developing goal setting strategies , in which you will be able to set and accomplish goals, is really your blueprint for success.

Now, I know that this subject has been talked and written about for the last two hundred years at least. But you have to agree that it is important. You may ask, just how do you go about setting and accomplishing goals? Can you give me a formula or strategy that will increase my chances of success?

The answer to this question is a resounding yes. Here is the start of your own personal blueprint for success.

To begin with, it helps to develop a desire to achieve a goal. An intense desire is better. You can develop an intense desire by sitting down and writing out all the pros and cons of achieving your goal. When your list is up to over 90 items, you will find that the goal is closer to fruition.

Print out your goal. When it is in writing, it becomes more real to you and will cause you to start working on it subconsciously . There is a direct connection between your brain and your hand. Use it.

There will be obstacles in your way and you will need to overcome them. This means you will need to identify them and how to find the help you will need to acquire in order to overcome them. Write all of this out in a list format and analyze them.

Determine where you are in the now in relation to your goal so that you can reasonable calculate how long it will take you to get there. At this time you can set a date if you like.

Now take your list and prioritize it. Formulate a plan and rewrite the list , perfect it and optimize it. Start thinking about putting it into action by developing a mental picture of yourself being successful at your chosen activity. Think as if it's already accomplished. Make sure that it is burned into your psyche and play it over and over in your minds eye.

Remember to be persistent. Don't give up even when you hit resistance and setbacks. By following these ideas religiously , you will become more successful at goal setting and that is where it starts.

Of course , you need to start this now. Don't procrastinate. Notice the title of this article. Remember that a blueprint can refer to architectural plans, maps or mechanical drawings. Then again, it can also refer to a detailed plan or program of action.

You might even condense this article down to an index card size or maybe a small notebook for daily references. Remember your ABC's. Always be checking your blueprint so you can measure your progress and keep yourself on track.

This is the only way that this blueprint will make a difference to your business goals. Ask yourself daily, what is today's goal? Then do it.

If you would like to get more information and learn more about doing it you can check my Internet University Link here.

My Internet University Link

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Web Analytics Tools

Web Analytics Tools and statistics are important for any on line business, website or blog. Free web analytics may not always be the best , but they certainly are the most convenient. Again this goes to ROI. If you spend all your profit making reports , that's probably not good. Of, course , there are numerous free innovative statistic tools out there to perform this function and I'll try and give a quick review of the most needed functions to perform here.

Most website owners and bloggers will immediately think of Google analytics as the main real time visitor tracking tool. In fact this blog is using Google Analytics. However, as mentioned before, this is not the only available tool.

First, you need a tool that is tailored to the type of tracking you want to do. You want a program that is easy to implement and has some advanced features such as real time visitor tracking and some in depth content analysis. If you are focusing on pay per click issues or incoming search engine traffic, you may want statistics on page position, landing pages, and specific geographic data.

Gaining perspective into other issues , such as , user behavior and habits means you would like the ability to track, evaluate and optimize your site based on where your visitors click. If you can generate overlays and heat maps at the same time, you have an advantage.

Evaluating your natural search engine traffic and keywords for Search Engine Optimization purposes is an important function also. So a real time search engine analysis tool and statistics tool will be needed.

Free, simple web stats for bloggers are available also. In-depth feed statistics and general blog statistics are can be found in a slick, intuitive interface, too.

Aesthetically pleasing GUI's for your Web Analytics Tools, such a s a simple counter are important also. Remember, you have only a few seconds to get the visitors attention and you don't want to lose him or her because of a cheesy GUI.

Recording page to page activity and actions of your visitors real time with advanced features such as audible event triggering and name tag integration can then be analyzed to better understand your visitors behavior and increase the usability of the site.

Now all this being said, there are social network sites for blogs that you can log into and will provide you with valuable statistics including onside clicking habits and referral information.

My preference is being able to design all of these features into a custom website or blog interface using a program called Site Rubix. This way you will be able to include all the mentioned features above and be able to monitor user activity beyond the the capabilities of a cookie cutter stat package. The feature's listed above will be able to provide insight and understanding as well as being able to optimize your traffic and create a more compelling on line experience. Check out this link. You will be glad you did!

Here is the Site Rubix link to check. Site Rubix Website and Blog Builder

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Discovering the Best Website Builder

Obviously, one of the most important skills you can have with an on line business is being able to build a website. It used to be you had to know HTML or some programming language in order to do that. Or you had to hire a business website builder or someone else to do it and that was a another expense . After reviewing several different applications and finding the best website builder for web building I have finally settled on one. But it wasn't easy. This is the criteria I used for my decision.

You should be able to build a 3d website fast and without a lot of headaches. It should allow you to sell your products on line and be able to design a catchy site with sexy titles. If you didn't need programming or design knowledge you could save thousands of dollars. And of course, you want to be able to use it 24/7. I like them to be easy to use and take you through all the creation steps without too much of a learning curve.

A cheap website builder that works on line or off line and allows you to edit HTML so the user can create a website without the knowledge of the underlying scripting and markup applications would be ideal. Features such as point and click make the usage of the program easier yet. Drag and drop technology is also essential. Having a collection of templates, or pree built web pages with features like shopping carts , squeeze pages or surveys would be ideal also.

Using the application off line will allow the web designer to edit the site on their local computer and then upload the site to a web server or the host. Using the builder on line through a browser allows editing in real time.

A large number of website builders are actually proprietary tools set up by hosting companies so that web designers or just the ordinary guy can set up their own website without learning the technical aspects of web page production. The idea of course is that you host your new site with them. Many times there is a free trial period while you learn to use the product . If you are lucky, some will allow the user to see the source code and be able to manipulate the HTML in the background. However, a lot of them don't allow this. Because of this , only certain areas of the site can be modified and so they are limited.

After taking all of this into account, I have decided that the Site Rubix Website Builder is the best of the bunch. You can put together a site in a very short amount of time. Adding flash,counters, buttons or anything you need is very easy. There are p redesigned layouts that are build right in .

I believe that Site Rubix is going to change the way websites are developed and the way Internet marketers work. Leveling the playing field between the people who can't or won't develop a website and those that are advanced developer's is going to win some awards for SR's developers and will be acclaimed as nothing short of amazing.

Here is the link I would like you to check out and of course leave me a comment.

Best Website Builder Information

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

7 cosmic steps to creating your own affiliate program

Here is an idea that is not being discussed as much as I think it should be. Most Internet Marketers are happy to promote existing affiliate programs instead of creating their own. Why reinvent the wheel? Because the rewards are much more lucrative this way. The facts look like this. It is possible to increase site revenue and site traffic by a significant amount if you start your own associate or affiliate program. In order to do this you will need to choose or develop your software, decide how and how much to pay in commissions and set up jv partners with associate agreements.

You will need to write effective ad copy and be able to track accurately all activity on your program when it is available for use. Then you will have to figure out how to provide excellent reporting data to your associates.

To be successful at this you will need to research existing affiliate networks in order to understand how they work. It will also help at this point if you decide that this is the best outlet for your marketing skills. You will have to decide what your target market will be, get out the word about the opportunity, and be able to manage the payment and selection of your affiliate sites. You will have to consider outsourcing opportunities, what products you will offer and business models for your products. This is a lot of work, but keep your eye on the reward. Just ask any Yahoo executive.

If you have come this far, then you will probably be asking yourself if you should create an affiliate program. However, if you have done your research, and you understand the basics , you will want to evaluate whether it will be a worthwhile investment to have one. This means you need to find a demand for your program, find enough money and staff to help you get it up and running and of course, your return on investment.

There are quite a few different types of programs out there, with different commission structures that you will have to understand before you can launch one of your own. Just keep in mind that it is an excellent way to boost revenue, increase your market reach and find new partners.

There are two main ways to implement an affiliate program. You can outsource by joining and affiliate network or you can go the independent route. If you have enough money, any of the large affiliate networks , such as commission junction or linkshare can handle the basic development and implementation of your program. Those of us with smaller budgets will probably opt to do the development in house. I think the independent route is the best .

Going the Independent route means you will be developing the entire program yourself. You will get to decide which off your product offering s will be included in the program and choosing a program model. Drafting legal agreements and figuring out which type of criteria for membership is acceptable will be an important at this time. Doing research to discover what other programs already exist in this space and what your target market will be looking for is important here.

We are getting close to launch time now. Here's how it works. The associate program has been developed and now we want to know what types of affiliate sites to target. Then the marketing plan has to be figured out to attract your relevant target market. The network applicants websites will be visited to determine the level of appropriateness for inclusion in the network. At this time the links and graphics will need to be disseminated so the members will be able to promote the network.

Now comes the payoff. If the associate program is rewarding enough and it has been marketed properly, you should have a number of sites and links to track fairly quickly. Dependable tracking methods such as webtrends, will ensure accurate measurement of each affiliates website effects on your sales and traffic. There are also affiliate management software solutions available to help you with this.

Paying timely commissions and having good administrative and technical assistance when needed will keep your affiliates producing and happy. So there you have it. Start developing your program today.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Big Bang Backlinks

The Big Bang Model is broadly accepted for the origin and evolution of our universe. What happens here is that the universe starts out very small and is always expanding at a certain rate. I think this model is adaptable to the blogging universe as a way to get links and backlinks because your blog starts out with small readership and will expand at an exponential rate with the right links.

Understanding this strategy is easier once you realize that backlinks are connections from related sites all around the World Wide Web that will show readers the way back to your website. If you can get other sites to link their pages to yours , that means you have a backlink. If your strategy is good , it can mean the difference between keeping your domicile or sleeping on the sidewalk. Link Affiliates may be helpful at times also.

Developing a powerful linking strategy will be an important activity in this universe. Once you have mastered this strategy you will help to insure that your site will receive large amounts of pre-sold, relevant traffic interested in buying what you have for sale. You will also get sign ups for your newsletter and lots of downloads for your ebook. Link exchanges have some value at times here.

An added benefit to all of this is that search engines will use the number of back links and the quality of those links to rank your site in the search engine results. So if you are looking to drive traffic to your site, this could be a humongous benefit. Backinking will get you higher ranking.

Here is an SEO tip that is pretty basic. Google says that page rank relies on the uniquely democratic nature of the web by using its vast link structure as an indicator of an individual page's value. Yahoo ranks results according to their relevance to a particular query by analyzing the web page title , text and description accuracy as well as it's source , associated links and other unique document characteristics.

Now that we know this, we have to understand also that backlinking is about relevant , quality links. Most search engines are aware that not all links are created equal and that a back link from an authority site has more influence than a backlink from Aunt Zelda's barbershop. This means that all those links from your nieces and nephews home pages won't do much for your ranking is the search engines.

One great way to create links in your blogging universe is to write articles. This way is highly accepted by the search engines and when your articles are published in newsletters, you will get a highly relevant, inbound link back to your site. By writing more articles and getting them published on different sites, you are creating new content and creating new back links and the search engines will love this.

So, start building your links and backlinks using the Big Bang Backlink theory today.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The Search for the Perfect keyword

Finding and getting visitors to your website is the way to finding potential customers on line, and if you have a brick and mortar store, you will be able to leverage that fact also. Now, you probably know that or you wouldn't be reading this article right now. A strategy to find search engine keywords is needed.

The fact is we rely on search engines to get those potential customers to our sites. In order to get the visitors to your site , you need to find the most responsive keywords that your search by keyword visitors use. You will find that this is a subject that will be harped on by a lot of articles and blogs because it is so important.

This is the search for the perfect keyword. You might even consider it the text that opens the door to internet money. Finding the exact tailed phrase you need will send targeted visitors to the site of your choice in droves. Your keywords cannot be to broad or overused and must be fairly specific. If they are not specific enough, you will get a lot of clicks and no sales from the visitors you do get.

Using keywords is the foundation of your search engine marketing strategy. This means you must sit down and develop a keyword list and develop keyword phrases to evaluate and test. Do this first. You will need several hundred keywords possibilities to do it right .

All things being equal, you probably already know a few of the correct words for the search phrases you need. You will have to think like your potential customer. This means that you will have to be creative and think of the ways a customer would search for your product on the Internet.

Asking potential customers what keywords they would search for is one way to do this, but where do you find the potential customers? At this point , you will begin to understand the difference between the way you think and the way your customer thinks. You will notice this is different.

Another strategy is to find other merchants on the Internet and see what keywords they are using, and watch the site to see their Google ranking. This will help you to discover profitable keywords.

Research the Internet and the library to find as many keywords and phrases as you can and then add your own to the list. After this step is taken you are ready to evaluate them.

Now comes the hard part. You are back to searching for the perfect keyword from here. You will now narrow down your list of a couple of hundred keywords to just a few that will direct the highest number of targeted visitors to your site. By targeted visitors I mean those visitors that are actually looking for what you have. This means they will see your product as the answer to their need and buy it. They won't take off to do more shopping and won't just cruise around your site.

Popular keywords are more likely to get typed into a search engine , but they will probably cost more. There is software available that will rate the popularity of your keywords also. Other software will suggest variations of your words and phrases. This is a search term suggestion tool .

So to sum up, searching for the perfect keyword is a matter of research and testing. If you start out this way you will find a myriad of options finding keywords.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

How to Become a Great Affiliate

Becoming one of the greatest affiliates of all time is the dream of Internet Marketers. How to become a great affiliate is the bane of Internet Marketers. It all starts with learning the ropes.

The Internet is well over a billion pages now, as of about 2006 anyway. Because more corporations are getting into the business and are finding the myriad of benefits available to them, Web Hosting demand has never been higher.

In fact, some estimates are that over 40 million people started their very first websites on line this year alone. Also, expectations are that by 2008, the internet sales industry will top 3.5 billion dollars. These millions of pages will be offering millions of affiliate programs for Internet marketers to make millions of dollars on.

The Web Hosting business will now be able to provide the right type of hosting for your particular application. It means that this will become easier and cheaper than ever before and the customer will get better quality to boot. Web hosting companies that are incompetent or inefficient will just go out of business.

Since traditional advertising is already slumping because of the Internet , internet based marketing will take over. So the support your web host is capable of giving will be a primary concern to the Internet Marketer.

Becoming a successful affiliate starts with your web hosting because every website has to be hosted somewhere. Most IM'ers find their host through recommendations of one kind or another. This usually means you know someone that has used a particular host.

Depending on the product you will be promoting and the fact that many hosting companies offer affiliate programs, you should be able to find the perfect host for you. Check out the hosting company and see if they are hosting the same types of products you are promoting.

If you have been with one host for quite a while and are not making any money or your sales are tanking, it may be time to seek out another host. Again , look for a host that specializes in your industry as this will help to target your market.

Become an Internet Marketing Affiliate for your web host and let them pay for your hosting. You should be able to just place a link on your website to refer visitors to the sign on page with your link. You can also let visitors know that you like your web host.

So , to sum up, always choose your web host on the basis of ability to support you and one with an affiliate program that you can participate in. If they have a residual affiliate program where you can get paid a percentage from each client your refer each month, so much the better. Of course, this would allow you to have a steady source of income.

Now there are a lot of Niche markets available to the Internet Marketer and you could try to specialize a web host company to one of these niches. It maybe possible to develop an authority site this way.

Niche website hosting is a market that could turn out to be very lucrative in the future if you can put the time and the effort into it that it will take to develop the niche.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Insider Secrets to Marketing

In keeping with the premise of Internet Marketing Secrets, I have some strategies that should help to get you up and running by using forums or article writing. If you want to learn how to earn money on the internet, this is a good way to start. Of course you know by now that there are many ways to drive traffic to your site.There are the easy ways, such as buying a million visitors for a mere $ 59.95.You will find though, that these types of visitors are not targeted and you will just be wasting your money. I have some insider secrets to marketing your business on the internet for getting free traffic that is targeted and won't break the bank.

One of the least expensive ways is to tell all your relatives and friends to tell all their relatives and friends about your new site. You may be able to send out some information to opt in lists of people, not spamming, and get visitors this way. By the way, you will want to make sure any lists that you get on are relevant to the site you are advertising. This way , your traffic is more targeted.

When you set up your site , you should have determined what your target audience is, or your niche. This way, you can get involved in the niche by posting on relevant sites and writing relevant articles to post on your relevant sites. Learning how to add keywords to your articles and posts will be a valuable skill here.

As an example , if your site is about men's clothing, you should find forums where the audience is talking about mens clothing and post relevant answers to questions that are being asked. You can find these forums on Myspace, Yuwie, Google and Yahoo for starters . There are tons more forums available also. You'll also find other related forums you can watch also, such as , b mens belts, mens shoes etc. You'll have to be picky because you want to be involved with forums that have visitors that are looking for what you have. When you find a suitable forum, join it. You will then want to provide information, to the visitors of the forum and feedback about men's clothing. Don't just stick your ad on the forum as this is really just spamming them.

Now it is time to write, feedback and repeat. Over and over again. Look for related blogs and post to them. Make your posts legitimate and valuable. Find related communities and repeat this action. This should help to spread the word about your site and give you quality, targeted traffic.

If you make enough posts and write enough articles regularly, you can create what is called, viral traffic. Viral traffic means that you will get other visitors to bring in more visitors because they like your site so much. Obviously, if this continues , you will have an explosion in traffic and you should begin to see more sales on a daily basis.

There are literally millions of forums out there , so you have a lot of work finding the ones you want. If you need help with this, don't hesitate to contact me.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Internet Marketing Secrets

This blog will deal with Internet Marketing Secrets that are out there on the Internet right now. I will try and make this information easier to understand and use here. I'll discuss such subjects as Affiliate Marketing, Authority Sites, Domain Names and a host of other subjects. As usual,your mission, should you decide to accept it, will be to read and assimilate the information and find a way to use it. Also, there will be ample opportunity to leave comments and suggestions , as always , in the suggestion box. Here's some information you can use about Keywords.

Typically, your keyword list and the medium will determine your ROI. This means that your keyword list also determines the reach of your product and the cost. Now, a lot of newbies just don't know how to pick the keywords that work. (A lot of us oldies don't know either , obviously) Picking the list is the problem. If the keywords are too broad in meaning, you'll get a lot of hits and no sales. That's because the keywords are not targeted. If they are more specific, you will get less hits but more sales. That's because they are more targeted. Or at least this is the theory. So far, I haven't found the textbook for selecting the most effective keywords. But here's a strategy.To begin with, don't use very broad keywords . Examples of broad keywords are like radio, dog, cat ...etc.

Words that are too broad just don't convert well into sales. Longer tailed keywords are more specific and will convert better into sales. Longer tailed keywords are keywords such as black stereo radio, small dog owners, white cat collar and on and on . Notice the difference. Long tailed keywords are more likely to attract a buyer that may have already done his research and is ready to buy or is at least interested in your product.

Another example would be sharp black stereo radio. There are four words in the phrase. This is pretty targeted and I hope you get the idea. Typing this into his or her favorite search engine means the prospect most likely knows what they are looking for and now they will probably go shopping for the best deal or to get more information. They may be presold on the exact model you have.

As I said , the specific terms will receive less searches per day or month than the broad terms. The upside is that they convert a whole lot better into sales, so it's a good trade off. Later on I'll talk more about this . I'll be running down to my local Sharp black stereo radio store and check these out.

Try to create relevant content so that you get a good search engine ranking and try to develop long tailed keywords for your site. One of the advantages of long tailed keywords is that they are some of the least competitive keywords and as such they are less money in PPC projects and will prove to be the highest money makers.

Your job, should you decide to take it, will be to identify the long tailed keywords in your niche and use them to your best advantage. A simple way of identifying long tailed keywords is to use the selling brand name in your keyword phrase. It may take some serious brainpower in the beginning, but develop continuously and there will be a pot of gold out there for you too.

One last item. Using ezines to publish articles about your product doesn't hurt either. Make sure you use your favorite long tailed keywords in your article.Distribute your articles to all the major ezine directories , for instance. Some examples of these are Ezinearticles.com, goarticles.com or even article alley.com. Recommend products that you use, make forum posts and build your subscriber list. Set up an auto responder series on some products you support. These are all time honored ways of creating customers.

So till next time, good luck!
So with that I will log off to do some research for the next blog.


The secrets guy